Seasons in the Sea - A month-by-month guide to Central California sea life

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Sea star: Image credit-Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game

Rocky intertidal areas

in July

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Here are some of the topics that will be covered in this chapter. More text and images will eventually be added to this section. Thank you for your patience.

Rocky intertidal events in July:

  • Sand begins to cover landward portions of rocky tidepools; intertidal algae either die off or go dormant to survive sand burial.
  • Oar weed, an annual nearshore kelp, reaches maximum length, after starting its annual growth in March. During FALL and WINTER its terminal blades (the big ones) will become tattered and eventually be torn off by winter storms.
  • Seaweed limpets and shield limpets colonize feather boa kelp. The limpets feed on small (epiphytic) algae that have begun growing on the feather boa's stipe in June or July.
  • Many barnacles spawn and settle out in summer, including leaf barnacles, acorn barnacles, Tetraclita spp. barnacles, and Balanus glandula and Chthamalus fissus/dalli (which have another spawning peak in February-March).
  • Young Pisaster sea stars settle out in the tidepools in June and July, when lots of young mollusks and barnacles are available as food.
  • Intertidal brittle stars broadcast spawn.
  • Many intertidal worms (flatworms, Nemertean worms, Phragmatopoma tubeworms) spawn between June and August. Ribbon worms lay eggs.
  • Cancer crab larvae settle out into lower intertidal areas in June and July.
  • Wandering tattlers pass through the area after breeding up north (where?)
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